Teori Keperawatan Myra Estrin Levine dan Aplikasinya


  • Mila Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Irna Nursanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia




Myra Estrin Levine, nursing theory, applications


 Myra Estrin Levine, a well-known nurse and theorist developed several nursing theories, one of the most famous of which is Conservation Theory, in 1967. This research describes Myra Estrin Levine's nursing theory, and the application of this theory to face the challenges of complex nursing management in society modern.


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How to Cite

Mila, M. and Nursanti, I. (2024) “Teori Keperawatan Myra Estrin Levine dan Aplikasinya”, Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan, 3(1), pp. 50–56. doi: 10.55681/saintekes.v3i1.296.