Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan 2024-10-04T00:39:16+00:00 Muhsinun, M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan (SAINTEKES) </strong>is a peer-review journal that could be access to the public, published quarterly, every <strong>January</strong>, <strong>April</strong>, <strong>July</strong> and <strong>October</strong> with online version of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>E-ISSN: 2963-0959</strong></a>. <strong>SAINTEKES</strong> provides a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students to embed and share knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews related to science, technology and health research. <strong>SAINTEKES</strong> welcomes and recognizes high quality theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual frameworks, analysis and simulation models, technical notes related to research from researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students.</p> Penerapan Manajemen pada Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat di Rumah Sakit Tingkat III Brawijaya Surabaya Tahun 2024 2024-09-02T00:08:29+00:00 Cintia Triyuslina Hadi Suryono Narwati Imam Thohari <p>At the Brawijaya Level III Hospital Surabaya, problems were found in the implementation of solid medical waste management, namely the sorting of medical and domestic waste that was not yet comprehensive, staff who were not compliant with using PPE, and the hemodialysis room that would be made functional. The aim of this research is to evaluate the application of management in solid medical waste management based on management functions (Planning,Organizing,Actuating,Controlling) and utilization of management elements (Man,Money,Material,Machine,Method). This research is a qualitative descriptive research approach cross sectional. The object of this research is solid medical waste management. The subjects of this research were 4 officers cleaning service, environmental health section, PPI committee, and Binayanmasum. Data was collected through interviews and observations. Data analysis was carried out descriptively by describing management functions and management elements. Based on the research results, it is known that the application of management in solid medical waste management obtained a total percentage of 80.7%(good). At the reduction stage it got 44.4%(fair),the sorting stage 88.9%(good),the container stage 95.2%(good),the storage stage 75%(good),the transportation stage 87.5%(good),and the processing 93.3%(good). The implementation of management in the management of solid medical waste at the Level III Brawijaya Hospital Surabaya received the "good" category, with several aspects that had not been fulfilled. Suggestions that can be given are to create a schedule for monitoring officers in complying with SOPs and wearing PPE according to regulations, as well as providing education by placing stickers with images of medical and non-medical waste on rubbish bins.</p> 2024-10-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cintia Triyuslina, Hadi Suryono, Narwati, Imam Thohari Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik dengan Gangguan Mobilitas Fisik dengan Pemberian Mirror Therapy dan Terapi Genggam Bola Karet di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lingsar 2024-09-04T03:30:53+00:00 Baiq Dindin Ade Pranita <p>Stroke is a disease or functional disorder of the brain in the form of nerve paralysis due to bleeding (Hemorrhagic Stroke) or blockage (Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke) which can cause a decrease in muscle strength on one side of the body that can cause disability so that therapy such as Mirror Therapy and Rubber Ball Hand-Held Therapy is needed. Applying nursing care to Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke patients with physical mobility problems through the application of Mirror Therapy and Rubber Ball handheld therapy. Mirror Therapy and Rubber Ball Hand-Held Therapy are effective for increasing muscle strength in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke patients. In Mr. R, the value of muscle strength before the intervention of Mirror Therapy was 6 kg, and in Mr. A the value of muscle strength before the intervention of Handheld Ball Therapy was 2 kg. After evaluation for 7 days, it was found that the muscle strength value in Mr. R was 10.7 kg and in Mr. A was 8.3 kg. Mirror Therapy and Rubber Ball Hand-Held Therapy are effective for increasing muscle strength in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke patients. It is expected to apply Mirror Therapy and Rubber Ball Hand- Held Therapy to Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke patients to overcome the problem of impaired physical mobility.</p> 2024-10-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Dindin Ade Pranita Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dengan Masalah Perfusi Perifer Tidak Efektif dengan Pemberian Buerger Allen Exercise dan Foot Massage di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lingsar Tahun 2024 2024-09-04T03:36:08+00:00 Baiq Iga Dwi Erdiana <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the non-communicable diseases, commonly known as the Silent Killer disease, which attacks many organs and can cause death. One way to control DM and prevent complications in DM patients is to implement a healthy lifestyle and do regular physical exercise with Buerger Allen Exercise and Foot Massage. Objective: to describe nursing care in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with peripheral perfusion problems is not effective with the administration of Buerger Allen Exercise and Foot Massage. Using a descriptive method with a case study design. . In Mrs. N patient before the Buerger Allen Exercise, the results of measuring the ABI value using a digital sphygmomanometer in the mild category were obtained which was 0.86. After the Buerger Allen Exercise was carried out, the results of measuring the ABI value in the normal category were 1.1. Meanwhile, in patient Mrs. A, before doing Foot Massage, the results of measuring the ABI value using a digital sphygmomanometer in the mild category were obtained which was 0.88. After doing Foot Massage, the results of measuring the ABI value in the normal category were 0.93. Buerger Allen Exercise and Foot Massage interventions are highly influential and effective in improving and smoothing blood circulation of the lower extremities in DM patients with peripheral perfusion problems are not effective.&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Iga Dwi Erdiana Pengaruh Buerger Allen Exercise Terhadap Nilai Ankle Brachial Index (Abi) pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lingsar 2024-09-04T03:34:40+00:00 Baiq Iga Dwi Erdiana <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 tends to have Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) values lower than normal ranges due to lack of physical exercise and uncontrolled hyperglycemia conditions. DM management begins with applying a healthy lifestyle along with pharmacological and non- pharmacological interventions, one of which is physical activity such as Buerger Allen Exercise. To determine the effect of Buerger Allen Exercise on the value of Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Pre-Experimental research design with One Group Pretest- Posttest approach. The population is all Diabetes Mellitus patients who are in the Lingsar Health Center Working Area as many as 447 populations. Sampling using purposive sampling as many as 82. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using the Wilcoxon Test. Buerger Allen Exercise can increase Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) values in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. As an alternative home treatment by doing buerger allen exercise to improve and improve blood circulation in the leg area</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Iga Dwi Erdiana Pengaruh Mirror Therapy Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik di Rsud Kota Mataram 2024-09-04T03:32:27+00:00 Baiq Dindin Ade Pranita <p>Stroke is a disease or functional impairment of the brain in the form of nerve paralysis due to bleeding (hemorrhagic Stroke) or blockage (non hemorrhagic Stroke) which can cause a decrease in muscle strength on one side of the body that can cause disability so that therapy is needed that can increase muscle strength such as Mirror Therapy. To determine the effect of Mirror Therapy on muscle strength of non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. Pre experiment one group pretest posttest research design. The population is all non-hemorrhagic Stroke patients who experience hemiparesis in Mataram City hospital with a population of 124, sampling using purposive sampling as many as 17. Data collection using MMST observation sheet and analyzed using Wilcoxon Test. Given Mirror Therapy most of the muscle strength in the upper extremities are at grade 2 (wrist &amp; elbow = 70.60% and arm = 58.80%), while the strength of the lower limb muscles are at grade 3 = 58.80%. After the Mirror Therapy intervention, muscle strength in the upper extremities was mostly at grade 3 (wrist = 58.80%, elbow = 70.60%, and arm = 52.90%) while muscle strength in the lower extremities was mostly at grade 4 (ankle = 52.90% and knee = 58.8%). Wilcoxon statistical test results with the analysis of p-value = 0.000 &lt; α 0.05 which means that H0 is rejected which means there is the influence of Mirror Therapy on muscle strength. Mirror Therapy can increase muscle strength in Non Hemorrhagic Stroke patients.&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Dindin Ade Pranita